I was watching a show about dinosaurs on TV a few days ago with my daughter, and she asked questions on why dinosaurs are no more and what the paelontologist were doing digging the ground and smashing rocks.
It got me thinking of an activity for Vira related to the dinosaur paleontology. I took some of her toys this morning and put them inside a container which I filled with water and placed them in the freezer.Before we got started, I told her a story about the lost toys. "We need to find them!" I said to her, and then made her wear the hat. We walked around the house, searching high and low, and then I said that I heard something in the freezer. Oh no, the toys are frozen, we must get them out.
We took the toys outside to the porch and I gave her a for to slowly chip the ice. "Slowly", I said, "we don't want to hurt them".
Halo Papa Chandra, salam kenal :)
Ide bagus tuh, pengen nyoba juga permainannya tapi buat anak umur 2 tahun bisa ga ya? kalo ga kelamaan nunggu untuk nyobain permainan ini.
Halo Papa Chandra, salam kenal :)
Seru juga permainannya, jadi pengen dicoba di rumah.
Halo mama Hamadaa, 2 tahun bisa kok, ganti peralatan aja kali ya, jangan garpu, sendok mungkin. Gak apa-apa susah mecahin esnya, kan lama-lama juga cair sendiri, yang penting seneng main dingin-dingin, paling cocok pas panas terik diluar.
wow... top bgt nih ide kreatifnya Urban Papa!! salam kenal ya :)
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